Marpool Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Accelerated Reader (AR)

At Marpool, we use the Accelerated Reader (or AR for short) scheme for children in Year 2 and upwards. Click on the logo to access the page. Passwords were emailed out. If you would like a reminder, please contact our school.

Children borrow a book from the school library within their reading range.  Once they have read the book, they then complete a short online quiz. At the end of the quiz, they  get a percentage score and can see how many points they have gained towards their target. Each book is worth a number of points. Each child has a target score to reach by the end of each term. This is displayed in every class on a class sunflower chart. Targets are personalised to each child. 

If you have a book at home or have borrowed a book from the local library, you might be able to quiz on it too! Use AR BookFinder to check whether a quiz has been written.