Click here for the school diary.
Foundation Stage Unit
Welcome to Oak and Holly Base!
This half-term in FSU
- Forest School will be in smaller groups on different afternoons this term - please send in wellies or alternatively, you may keep a pair in school (please name clearly).
- Indoor or Outdoor P.E. (Holly Base children) will be every Tuesday afternoon - no kit is required
This half term, we are:
Holly Base (Reception):
- reviewing all words that we have read so far
- reviewing all tricky words learnt so far
- solving number problems
Oak Base (Nursery):
- solve real world Mathematical problems with numbers upto 5
Both Bases:
- reading the story of 'The Naughty Bus'
- getting ready for transitions and meeting our new teachers for September
To support us at home, you might:
- Holly Base - Please continue to practise the phonemes and tricky words you have learnt this term.... home learning will focus on tricky words this week
- Holly Base - please read your reading book three times a week and record this in your child's reading diary. Books will be changed every Friday.
- Holly Base - please keep learning and checking that all words on your bookmarks can be read 'on sight'.
- Oak Base - enjoy your new library book together. Please return on any day that you are ready and we will change your book for you.
Upcoming Dates:
Friday 12th July: Creation Station aboriginal art workshop
Monday 15th July: South African art workshop
Tuesday 16th July: Jan Oke - author of 'The Naughty Bus' will be visiting
Reception Curriculum_Map_22_-23
FSU Photo Gallery
Hover over the photo for the caption and click on the photos to enlarge.