Marpool Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Resource Base Proposal

Proposal to establish a Resource Base at Marpool Primary School, Exmouth
School and LA details

Devon County Council
County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4QD

Marpool Primary School
Moorfield Road, Exmouth, Devon, EX8 3QW

Description of alterations
The Governing Body of Marpool Primary School is proposing to formally establish a Resource Base for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs for 6-8 learners from 25 April 2022.

Evidence of demand and objectives
In Devon, the most common type of primary need is Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH). Children and young people with SEMH needs can struggle to engage with learning and cope in a classroom without additional strategies and interventions. A Resource Base can support children to overcome their barriers to learning, to be resilient and to be better able to cope and be re-integrated into a mainstream setting in which they can achieve their potential.

There is insufficient provision for enhanced resource base provision in Devon. A pilot was set up at Marpool Primary School to help meet the demand for this type of provision in the area. The pilot has been successful and the school would like to formally establish the Resource Base.

These proposals are in line with Devon County Council’s planning and commissioning of Special Needs provision and Devon’s Local Offer.

Education standards and curriculum
Marpool Primary was last inspected by Ofsted in October 2017 (short inspection) and November 2012 (full inspection). The school is a ‘Good’ school.
All Ofsted reports are available via:

Improvement in standards, quality and range of educational provision
The Resource Base will provide an engaging and supportive environment to meet children’s social and emotional needs which underpins delivery of the curriculum. The Resource Base will provide specialist support for children with special educational needs enabling children to access mainstream education but with specialist support from the base. This can include smaller group work in a quieter location with access to more specialist resources and services.

The effect on other Schools, Academies and educational institutions in the area:
The provision of a Resource Base at Marpool Primary School would not have a negative effect on other schools.

Project Costs and Planning Consent
There are no capital implications, no new accommodation is required and no planning consent is required. Revenue funding is in place to support the proposals.
Implementation and any proposed stages for implementation:
It is proposed to be implemented from 25 April 2022.

Effect on existing pupils
The provision of a Resource Base will support children with social, emotional and mental health needs on roll at Marpool Primary School with an Education and Health Care Plan, as well as children from surrounding areas with placements being agreed by DCC’s SEN 0-25 team.

The consultation ran from 6 January 2022 to 17 February 2022. No responses were received.

Response to Brief Notice
You can object to or comment on the proposal by:
Writing to: Strategic Planning - Children’s Services, Room 120, Devon County Council, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QD.
by the closing date of 29 March 2022.