Marpool Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Year 1

Welcome to Chestnut and Willow Base!

This half-term in Year 1:

  • PE will be held on a MONDAY - please wear PE kit
  • Please bring reading records to school on a THURSDAY for the 3 reads check - ALL books will now be issued on a THURSDAY
  • Library Day will be on a Friday, we will issue a reading for pleasure book each week.
  • This week, we have been:
  • innovating and writing our own versions of The High Street story
  • beginning to develop an understanding of time, including half hours and hours
  • creating our collage of the local area using collage materials
  • using geographical language to compare the physical and human features of a village, town and city
  • developing our understanding of how to play a game of rounders using fielding and batting skills
  • talking about moving on and growing up.

Please continue to read three times a week with your child, please record each read in their reading record before changing the book.  Reading with your child makes a huge impact on their rate of progress.

If your child is very confident with these, they could stretch their brains and use the words in a written sentence.

Summer Term Home Learning for this week: Please note - this half term we will be using a 'menu' of home learning tasks.  Please use these suggested activities for  the half term.


Please find the Phonics home learning sheet below:  



 We have now reached the end of our Summer 2 Phonics sessions.  We will be reviewing the learning from the term over the last week.  Please continue to review the sheets from this half term.