Marpool Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed


Click here for the school diary.

Year 3

Welcome to Larch and Sycamore Base!

This half-term in Year 3 

  • PE - Wednesday: dance                                                                                                                    - Friday: gymnastics / swimming

 This week, we are:

  • Larch have been learning about writing in the past tense ready to use in our own diary writing
  • Sycamore have been planning and writing their diary entries from the perspective of Howard Carter
  • Practising our individual spellings
  • Learning how to tell the time on an analogue clock to the nearest 5 minutes and minute
  • Making our own moving pictures using levers and linkage





To support us at home:

Please remember to read at least 3 times a week and record each read in your Reading Record.

Remember to remind your child to bring their reading book and record everyday.

Help your child learn by heart the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables by chanting them together.  They need to know these by heart by the end of Year 3.

Remember to send your child in their PE kit on Wednesday and Fridays. If your child has been told they are swimming, please can they bring their swimming costume, towel and goggles in a bag on Friday afternoons.








Parent Information

Which key skills will my child be learning and practising this year?




What will my child be learning this year?


Which texts will my child be introduced to in class this year?

Click on the link below to see the whole list and how the texts link in with the curriculum. Book_spine_Y3





 Year 3 Photo Gallery

 Hover over the photo for the caption and click on the photos to enlarge.

Year 3