Marpool Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Year 4

Welcome to Monkey Puzzle and Bonsai Base!

This half-term in Year 4

PE: Monday and Wednesday for both Bonsai and Monkey Puzzle

Forest School: Monday afternoons

 This term:


We will be:

    • Learning about decimals, time, money, position in Maths while continuing practice with the four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
    • Writing based on Persuasive letter texts ensuring that all the features are correctly used. Specifically focusing on emotive phrases, imperative verbs and paragraphing.
    • In science we will be exploring 'Animals including Humans' which will involve investigating teeth, exploring the human digestive system and identifying food chains.
    • Learning to read maps. 
    • Learning how to run, throw and jump in athletics and create a variety of dance routines. 
    • Design Technology & Art will be combined in the development of skills as well as the investigation and use of textiles to create and embellish products.

Dates for your diary:

  • Mon 15th July: MSA Uniform sale 3.15pm
  • Tues 16th July: MSA Uniform sale 8.30am & 3.15pm
  • Thurs 18th July: MARPJAM
  • Mon 22nd July: School reports issued
  • Thurs 25th July: MSA cake day
  • Fri 26th July: MSA cake day
  • 26th July: Term finishes


To support us at home, you might: 

Here is our home learning for this week;


* Spellings will go in the Reading record books on a Friday.

Help us practise our spellings, we  have our own spellings in our reading diaries and these may be from our Attack groups that we are focussing on instead.


Freckle forms a significant practise platform for Mathematical skills. 

If you're going on Freckle or Language Angels, remember to use the codes below:

  • Freckle: Bonsai's class code is  c6yw97 and Monkey Puzzle's class code is g548se
  • They can all be found in the back of your child's reading record books. 


Parent Information:




Yr4 Multiplication Check Government webpage

Which key skills will my child be practising this year?




What will my child be learning this year?


Which texts will my child be introduced to in class?

Click on the link below to see the whole list and how the texts link in with the curriculum. 







 Year 4 Photo Gallery

 Hover over the photo for the caption and click on the photos to enlarge.